CWE Services offer a complete range of asbestos survey types within Exeter and the surrounding areas. Our asbestos surveys are fully UKAS accredited and cover asbestos management, refurbishment and demolition surveys in domestic, industrial and residential properties. CWE are also able to provide UKAS accredited priority risk scores and asbestos reinspection surveys to help you comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

We pride ourselves on working in close partnership with our clients throughout the planning process to ensure that our asbestos surveys are undertaken to the specifications required. Our asbestos survey information is documented on site using the latest handheld tablets before being transferred back to our head office for completion. CWE’s team of quality assessors review and quality control each report to ensure the accuracy of the survey.

All our surveyors working in Exeter hold the British Occupational Hygiene Society’s (BOHS) qualification ‘P402’ Surveying and Sampling Strategies for Asbestos in Buildings or recognised equivalent. CWE surveys are undertaken in full accordance with the current asbestos survey guidance – ‘HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide’ and inhouse procedures.

Our surveying services can be offered on an emergency basis and are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Contact us now for a free no obligation quote for asbestos services in Exeter.
  • Asbestos Surveys

    An accurate and comprehensive survey undertaken by an experienced and qualified surveyor is the foundation on which a safe and sound asbestos management infrastructure is built. Our UKAS accreditation and compliance with HSE Guidance HSG264 ensures that our team conducts all surveys in a highly professional and competent manner. The BOHS P402 qualification or equivalent is the minimum qualification requirement for each surveyor.

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  • Analytical Services

    Although not a legal requirement, it is preferred that the analyst is employed by the building owner or occupier for site clearance certification as this avoids any conflict of interest and also enables an independent party to be involved in resolving any problems that may arise during the clearance process.
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  • Bulk Sample Analysis

    CWE services Ltd are UKAS accredited to carry out the analysis of asbestos in bulk samples in accordance with HSE guidance (HSG 248), UKAS lab 30 and inhouse procedures.

    Our team of highly experienced laboratory analysts conduct analysis within our modern laboratory using stereo and polerised light microscopy.

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  • Management Plans

    The main purpose of a management plan is to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that no one can come to any harm from asbestos on the premises. In particular, it is to prevent the inadvertent exposure to ACMs by workers who can disturb the fabric of the building during maintenance, refurbishment/repair, installation and related activities.
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  • Project Management

    Managing your asbestos removal in a property an onerous task for the duty holder. This can be fraught with problems if you do not possess some degree of experience in the area. In addition, a sound working knowledge of the standards, specifications and documentation required is absolutely essential.

    Our experienced team at CWE can utilise its skills, on your behalf, to ensure that the asbestos in your property is removed in a correct and legal manner.

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  • To help manage asbestos at your premises

  • To provide accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos containing materials ( ACMs)

  • To assess the level of damage or deterioration in the ACMs and whether remedial action is required

  • To use the survey information to prepare a record of the location of any asbestos, commonly called an asbestos register,* and an asbestos plan of the building(s)

  • To help identify all the ACMs to be removed before refurbishment work or demolition

The Health and Safety Executive strongly recommends the use of UKAS accredited surveyors.

An accurate and comprehensive survey undertaken by an experienced and qualified surveyor is the foundation on which a safe and sound asbestos management infrastructure is built. Our UKAS accreditation and compliance with HSE Guidance HSG264 ensures that our team conducts all surveys in a highly professional and competent manner. The BOHS P402 qualification or equivalent is the minimum qualification requirement for each surveyor.

Asbestos Survey FAQs

  • What type of survey will I need?

    There are three main types of asbestos survey that can be conducted depending on your requirements.

    All survey types include a full written report detailing the areas that have been inspected, details of any suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) that have been identified, full colour photos, floor plans showing the areas surveyed including where suspect materials have been found and recommendations from the surveyor regarding dealing with any positive or presumed ACM’s found.

    – Asbestos Management Survey

    This is the standard survey that should be carried out for the continued management of asbestos in both commercial and residential properties.

    The purpose of the survey is to locate, as far as is reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building and assess their condition. The survey will primarily involve sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of ACMs.
    Management surveys often involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance which will vary between premises and what is reasonably practicable. This type of survey is not suitable if any intrusive or destructive refurbishment works are to be carried out.

    – Asbestos Refurbishment / Demolition Survey

    A refurbishment or demolition survey is used to locate, as far as is reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the areas where major refurbishment works are planned or to the whole building in the case of demolition work.

    These survey types are more intrusive and destructive than management surveys and will investigate further into the fabric of the building.

  • Is it a legal requirement to have an asbestos survey?

    Any non domestic property built before 2000 is required to have an asbestos management survey under the control of regulations 2012 regulation (4).

    In addition, no works including major refurbishment, demolition or maintenance should be carried out in a domestic or non-domestic property unless a suitable and sufficient assessment as to whether asbestosis present, the type(s) of asbestos, the types of materials and their condition has been carried out.

    Failure to carry out suitable asbestos checks before works may cause delays or at worst prosecution and fines and possible expose contractors and members of the public or occupants to asbestos.

  • Are CWE qualified to carry out asbestos surveys?

    Yes absolutely!

    CWE are fully UKAS accredited to carry out the following asbestos related activities:-

    • Asbestos surveys (management, refurbishment and demolition) in all domestic, commercial and industrial properties.
    • Asbestos priority risk scores
    • Asbestos reinspection surveys
    • Asbestos air monitoring, including reassurance, background, personal testing, 4 stage clearance and issue of certificates of reoccupation.
    • Asbestos bulk analysis

    Our approved quality systems are independently audited against ISO 17020 for surveying and ISO 17025 for analytical activities. We also carry out rigorous internal quality audits and quality control to ensure the standards set by the HSE and UKAS are maintained at all times.

    Our staff are fully qualified with the relevant BOHS (or equivalent) qualifications. Site staff also hold confined space training and CSCS cards. Staff go through yearly asbestos awareness and surveying refresher courses.

  • What additional surveys can CWE provide?

    Not only can we provide asbestos surveys and analytical work but CWE can also provide services to help you with managing your asbestos or helping to manage removal.

    – Asbestos management plans

    Managing asbestos in a property is undoubtedly a difficult task for the duty holder, especially if knowledge and upkeep of current asbestos laws are superficial. There is a risk of incurring legal action if the process is not correctly adhered to and a wide range of criteria that must be satisfied within the eyes of the HSE where the treatment of asbestos is concerned.

    Our experienced project management team at CWE can utilise their skills, on your behalf, to ensure that the asbestos in your premises is maintained in accordance to current asbestos legislation and can provide advice and services including creation of an asbestos management plan in accordance with the control of asbestos regulation 2021, regulation 4.

    – Asbestos removal management

    Supervising and managing your own asbestos removal or containment can prove extremely time-consuming and costly if you do not possess some degree of experience in this area. In addition, a sound working knowledge of the standards, specifications and documentation required is absolutely essential.

    CWE can represent you in your removal management projects helping to plan the removal works, liaise with the removal contractors on your behalf and carry out appropriate air testing once the works are complete

    – Asbestos reinspection survey

    The purpose of an asbestos re-inspection survey is to review previously identified ACM’s and make an assessment of any deterioration of those previously identified asbestos and associated recommendations, to ensure that all asbestos containing materials comply with the Duty Holder’s responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

    The report forms a periodic asbestos review covering previously identified locations of asbestos containing materials. This is typically carried out on an annual basis to help the duty holder form an effective asbestos management plan and to ensure that the asbestos containing materials remain in a good condition and are not likely to be disturbed.

    – Priority Risk Assessments

    Regulation 4 Duty of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 requires the appointed Duty Holder to ensure that “the risk of anyone being exposed to asbestos containing materials is assessed”.

    An asbestos survey report will identify the material risk score. This risk will identify the likelihood of the material releasing fibres should it be disturbed. Priority Risk Assessments relate to the material within its environmental surroundings. It takes into account further factors such as occupancy levels and maintenance activity in order to produce a risk figure.

    These two scores combined produce a risk score that can be used by the Duty Holder to produce an effective management plan and to identify materials that require immediate action.

  • Does the property need to be empty during the survey?

    This depends on the type of survey being carried out.

    For asbestos management surveys the premises can still be occupied but the surveyor may ask occupants to vacate a room during the inspection/sampling.

    Asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys will need to be undertaken in unoccupied properties or areas. Due to the nature of these surveys we must use intrusive and destructive surveying techniques to inspect areas of the building that would normally be inaccessible (wall cavities and ceiling void for example). To ensure the safety of the public and occupants these areas will need to remain unoccupied until the survey has been completed.

  • How long does an asbestos survey take?

    Surveys are carried out meticulously, methodically and thoroughly to make sure all ACM’s are identified and all areas of the property are inspected.

    The length of time for an asbestos surveys depends on a number of factors including:-

    • – The size of the property
    • – Number of floors
    • – Number and size of any outbuildings
    • – Any additional specialist equipment or safety measures required

    In most cases CWE can quote on a half day or full day basis. Due to their intrusive nature refurbishment and demolition surveys may take longer to complete than management surveys.

    It is important to leave enough time between having your asbestos survey conducted and any planned works to allow for removal of any ACM’s, typically we recommend carrying out a survey at least one month beforehand to avoid any potential disruption and delays!

  • How much damage is caused during a survey?

    Each survey type conducted will cause a small amount of damage to materials during the sampling process of suspected ACM’s.

    Usually a small section of the material is removed to undergo analysis in our bulk sample laboratory. Where possible this will be removed from an area that is unobtrusive, the area is then sealed by the surveyor to prevent and further damage or exposure to occupants.

    Non uniform materials such as textured coating may have several smaller samples taken from each area to produce a representative sample. Where this occurs each area will be sealed individually.

    Asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys will be intrusive and destructive and will cause damage to the areas of the property that are surveyed. However any damage will always be in locations where works will be undertaken. Areas where surveyors will need to create an inspection hole to investigate sealed areas (solid suspended ceiling and pipe boxing form example) will be temporarily sealed once the survey is complete.

  • How much does an asbestos survey cost?

    Each of our survey quotes are bespoke to each property to give you the best value and peace of mind.

    We use the size of the property, the type of survey required and the estimated length of time to give you an accurate no obligation quotation.

Get Connected

In recognition of our exacting standards, we have built a substantial client portfolio based on our quality of service.

To find out more about CWE Services, ask for advice regarding asbestos management or to receive a no obligation asbestos quotation, contact us using the details below.

  • Oak Farm,
    Weston Road
    Congresbury, North Somerset
    BS49 5EB